Print ISSN: 2183-3915
Online ISSN: 2183-7058

Rui Brites
ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor
Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES), Portugal
Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES), Portugal

José Brites Ferreira
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria / NIDE, Portugal
Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES ), Portugal

ABSTRACT The Portuguese higher education system has been facing major reforms over the last years including the implementation of the Bologna Process, the approval of a new legal regime for the higher education institutions (HEIs) and the approval of new statutes relating to the academic career in the public higher education institutions. Thus, HEIs have to manage their resources, and human resources in particular, in order to be proactively positioned to seize opportunities and confront threats in an increasingly competitive environment. The academic staff as a key resource within HEIs plays a major role in achieving the objectives of the institution.

KEYWORDS: job satisfaction, academic career, changes, higher education.